Things that aren’t canceled
Apr 20, 2020

Life right now is incredibly uncertain, and at times the whole world seems to be canceled. But we can find hope in focusing on those things that the pandemic can’t cancel: positivity, family time, and catching up.
Positivity is your outlook on life. Is the cup half empty or half full? Right now, it is so easy to only see the negative, but take this circumstance as an opportunity to be positive and share positivity with others. Here’s some ideas. Maybe reach out and text friend you haven’t seen in a while. Paint your mailbox. Send happy messages to neighbors through sidewalk chalk. Paint rocks and hide them around your neighborhood. Try to find little reasons to be happy and positive while passing it on to others as well.
Family times seems endless right now. We’re stuck at home with our kids, spouses, and maybe close extended family — all under one roof. That can be challenging. However, try to shine that positive lighting over this time, too. Use this time to start a traditional family game night with minute-to-win-it games and activities. Try having family members take turns cooking dinners. It may takes some extra effort and creativity on your part, but now’s the perfect time to strengthen your relationships and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Lastly, you may feel overwhelmed with just staying afloat, but try using this time to catch up or get ahead on that all those things you need to do but just didn’t have the time. Go room by room and do a “deep clean.” Get the kids to help. Cook and freeze meals for later. Make a list of all those things you’ve put off and do them now. Also use this time to catch up on things you haven’t given enough time to — like Bible study and meditation, taking the time during chores to teach your kids more than the basics, share the family history of treasured items while you clean them.
Even though the present is scary and we don’t know what the future will bring, We know that we will get through this together. We can all make the most of the outside world’s “cancelled” time with positivity, focusing on family time, and taking time to catch up. Use this time for the betterment of yourself and your families. Stay safe.
Positivity is your outlook on life. Is the cup half empty or half full? Right now, it is so easy to only see the negative, but take this circumstance as an opportunity to be positive and share positivity with others. Here’s some ideas. Maybe reach out and text friend you haven’t seen in a while. Paint your mailbox. Send happy messages to neighbors through sidewalk chalk. Paint rocks and hide them around your neighborhood. Try to find little reasons to be happy and positive while passing it on to others as well.
Family times seems endless right now. We’re stuck at home with our kids, spouses, and maybe close extended family — all under one roof. That can be challenging. However, try to shine that positive lighting over this time, too. Use this time to start a traditional family game night with minute-to-win-it games and activities. Try having family members take turns cooking dinners. It may takes some extra effort and creativity on your part, but now’s the perfect time to strengthen your relationships and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Lastly, you may feel overwhelmed with just staying afloat, but try using this time to catch up or get ahead on that all those things you need to do but just didn’t have the time. Go room by room and do a “deep clean.” Get the kids to help. Cook and freeze meals for later. Make a list of all those things you’ve put off and do them now. Also use this time to catch up on things you haven’t given enough time to — like Bible study and meditation, taking the time during chores to teach your kids more than the basics, share the family history of treasured items while you clean them.
Even though the present is scary and we don’t know what the future will bring, We know that we will get through this together. We can all make the most of the outside world’s “cancelled” time with positivity, focusing on family time, and taking time to catch up. Use this time for the betterment of yourself and your families. Stay safe.