Prepping for Spring

Mar 16, 2021

Spring is almost here, and with it comes a long list of outdoor chores to complete. Luckily, planting a garden can be a fun project for the whole family. Whether you are wanting to add a pop of color to your lawn with some fragrant flowers or you can’t wait to eat those home-grown tomatoes, now is the time to start prepping your garden.
Set yourself up for a productive year by following these helpful spring prepping tips:
Organize and Replenish Supplies:
Organize your work area and replenish your supplies. Make sure your tools are sharp and rust-free, and consider expanding your collection to ensure you are well-equipped for the months ahead.
Clear your Garden Beds:
Clean out garden beds by removing weeds and unwanted debris to expose the soil. Then use a tiller or spade to loosen the soil to a depth of about 10 to 12 inches.
Add Organic Matter:
Organic matter such as compost and other amendments should be added to your soil. A soil test is a great way to determine what your soil needs to achieve the proper level of nutrients. Soil test results will provide recommendations for the best materials to use for your specific area and soil-type.
Plan a Garden Plot:
Plan the layout of your garden so that you know exactly where everything will grow. Try to study which plants are compatible with each other and which must be separated so that they do not overrun your other vegetation. Get creative with the seeds you choose – the possibilities are endless!
Co-op is here to help you with all your gardening needs. We have a large selection of seed, fertilizer, gardening tools, raised garden beds, and so much more! Find the nearest location here.

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