Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Announces 2023 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest

Aug 16, 2023

Tennessee Farmers Cooperative is excited to partner with Tennessee 4-H in the 2023 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest, showcasing the talent of Tennessee 4-H'ers. The contest aims to raise funds for various 4-H projects and programs, while providing an opportunity for young designers to showcase their skills and win prizes.

The goals of the contest are two-fold: to highlight the exceptional abilities of Tennessee 4-H members and to support the ongoing efforts of the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Foundation. The winning designs will be featured on T-shirts that will be made available for sale at local Co-ops and Stockdale's, with a percentage of the proceeds donated to 4-H.

Eligibility for the contest is open to all current members of Tennessee 4-H. Participants under the age of 18 must have their designs submitted by a parent or guardian on their behalf. Each entrant is permitted to submit one design.

Designs must adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Designs must be original and created solely by the 4-H member.
  • Submissions should be sent via email to chill@ourcoop.com no later than September 30, 2023.
  • Entries must not have been previously published and should not contain any copyrighted or trademarked material, except for the 4-H logo.
  • Designs must be appropriate and devoid of any offensive or vulgar content.
  • Winning entrants agree to sign a waiver allowing Tennessee Farmers Cooperative and its affiliates to use their designs for printing and promotional purposes, without charge.
Designs should incorporate a connection to Tennessee 4-H and must fit within the dimensions of an 8 1/2 X 11 piece of paper. Entrants are encouraged to use a maximum of two colors in their designs, and a suggested t-shirt color may be included, although final color selection will depend on printer availability. Submissions must be in PDF, JPG, or PNG format and should not exceed 7 MB in size.

The judging process will consider originality (50%) and creativity (50%) when evaluating each design. Winners will be announced on October 6, 2023. The selected champion will receive an iPad and Apple Pencil valued at $600, in addition to five T-shirts featuring their winning design.

"We are excited to witness the artistic abilities and innovation of our talented Tennessee 4-H members through this T-Shirt Design Contest," said Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Chief Executive Officer Shannon Huff. "This contest not only encourages creativity, but also supports the valuable projects and programs of 4-H. We invite all eligible participants to unleash their imagination and submit their unique designs."

For more information about the 2023 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest, including submission guidelines and contest updates, please www.ourcoop.com/4hshirt.

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