Seventeenth Annual Tennessee Small Farmer Expo
Aug 23, 2021
The 2021 Tennessee Small Farmer Expo scheduled for September 2, 2021, at the Nashville Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) of Tennessee State University (TSU) has been changed to a virtual event due to heightened concerns around COVID-19.
The new format will include a 15-minute presentation from Extension educators with 5 minutes for questions. Topics will include resources for small farms, grant programs, research plots, educational workshops, food preservation, poultry production, greenbelt and forestry management programs, industrial hemp production, organic vegetable trials, ruminant livestock management, and more.
To participate via Zoom, visit: Or use your telephone: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923. The webinar ID is: 822 8881 6592.
For more information, contact Mr. Jason Foster at (615) 963- 1351 or Visit the event website at to learn more.