HOT Meat Goat Classic returns to MTSU
Sep 09, 2019
On Friday, Oct. 4 and Saturday, Oct. 5, Middle Tennessee State University’s Tennes- see Livestock Center in Murfreesboro once again plays host to the Heart of Tennessee Junior Meat Goat Classic.
The 2019 edition begins Friday with a Skillathon contest, followed by youth com- peting in these showmanship divisions: Pee-Wee, Wether, Commercial Does, and Registered Does.
Saturday features the Wether, Commercial Doe, and Registered Doe show. Rounding out the event will be the Adult Showman- ship Class, which raises funds for the show. Individuals who have aged out of 4-H or FFA may enter the adult class by paying the $10 fee upon entry.
The Grand and Reserve Champion Weth- ers will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.
For more information, contact Dr. Jessica Carter at