Powerful Data and Localized Insights

May 04, 2020

WinField United’s R7® Tool is a suite of tools that utilizes in-season imagery and Answer Plot® data to help you make the best, most informed decision for your farm. The R7 Tool also includes tools such as the R7 Field Monitoring Tool and R7 Field Forecasting Tool.

R7 Field Monitoring Tool

            The R7 Field Monitoring Tool also known as FMT, allows you to prioritize scouting and application efforts throughout the growing season. FMT alongside R7 in-season imagery gives you the ability to identify fields that could be a problem and allows you to find the areas of the field that need to be checked so you can than determine a treatment plan.

In early-season FMT can be used to set the tone for the season by helping you catch issues such as planter skips or weed flushes before they become detrimental to the field. Mid-season FMT can help identify fields with the greatest yield potential and invest in them. Late-season you can use the tool to finish strong and help prioritize your harvest schedule.

R7 Field Forecasting Tool

            The R7 Field Forecasting Tool more commonly known as FFT, is a model that helps you more efficiently and accurately time your nutrient and water applications during the growing season. In order to keep the model localized, it relies on data from the field; such as stand counts, growth stages, and tissue samples powered by NutriSolutions®. This allows you to true up the data in the tool with what is happening in the plant.

            The FFT measures nitrogen, water, and potassium stresses, plant biomass, growing degree days, rainfall and solar radiation all of which play a major role in how a crop grows and the health of that plant. The model shows easy-to-read graphs along with up-to-date plant health status. Where FFT stands out the most is nutrient management. Using the tool and all the information provided you can run scenarios on a range of application dates and rates of product. This will then give us a graph that highlights a specific date of application that will give you the highest ROI. These scenarios take in to account weather data, growth stage, nutrient trends, as well as current cost of fertilizer and commodity price.

To learn more about the R7 suite of tools or the Field Forecasting Tool, go to winfieldunited.com or contact your local Co-op agronomist.

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